Jumaat, 27 Julai 2012


what's on your mind?

in my mind...is two things...no1, molten lava cake..and no 2, ayam panggang ala kenny rogers...

rujukan utama  dari Ijan dari blog resepi yang share resepi di Ribbon and circus: La Kitchen....
Molten Lava Cake Recipe
Modified from: PaulaDeen@FoodNetwork
Serving: makes 6 cakes

120 grams bittersweet chocolate 
120 grams semisweet chocolate 
150 grams (10 tbsp) butter 
1/2 cup all-purpose flour 
1 1/3 cups confectioners' sugar 
3 large eggs 
3 egg yolks 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
2 tablespoons fresh milk

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (218 degree Celcius).
Grease 6 (6-ounce) custard/muffin cups. Melt the chocolates and butter in the microwave, or in a double boiler. Add the flour and sugar to chocolate mixture. Stir in the eggs and yolks until smooth. Stir in the vanilla and milk. Divide the batter evenly among the custard/muffin cups. Place in the oven and bake for 14 minutes. The edges should be firm but the center will be runny. Run a knife around the edges to loosen and invert onto dessert plates.
Gambar: beattey2910.blogspot.com source from mr google

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