Isnin, 1 April 2019

cara beri susu dengan gastrostomy tube .

first of all, aku bukan doktor. aku cuma ibu kepada anak yg sakit TOF (tracheaoesophageal fistula)

anak yg dilahirkan saluran makan esofagus tidak bercantum dengan perut, atau ada saluran yg bercantum antara esofagus (salur makan ) dengan trachea ( saluran ke paru-paru)

apa yg doktor akan lakukan ?
TOF repair. 

masa iyad 4 hari dia buat tof repair. 

lepastu terus sihat ke ..

TIDAK..ada beberapa komplikasi. TETAPI berbeza antra satu bayi dengan bayi yg lain. macam kes anak aku dia punya esofagus still boleh guna ada baby tof yg esoafgus dia tidak berfungsi. 

apa problems lain?

ada parut, atau stricture. apa ni ? ini merupakan kesan sampingan di mana kawasan yg di sambung mengecil semula dan kena dilakukan proses dilatation, untuk mengembangkan saluran yg menyempit tadi.
bila saluran esofagus menyempit, air susu tak boleh lalu akhirnya melimpah dan masuk ke paru paru budak akan jadi biru, 

jadi dilatation ni penting untuk mengembangkan sticture tadi guna kaedah baloon macam org ada maslaah jantung tu ..aku pernah dengar lah doktor gun ISTILAH OGDS [ OGDS stands for Oesophago-Gastric-Duodeno-Scopy (medical procedure) ]

nnt tak lah korang terpinga pinga bila doktor kata nal buat scope. 

sekali je ke dah settle? 
tak . dalam kes Iyad dia pernah buat sebanyak 5 kali seumur hidup dia sampai umur 8 tahun.

ok, apa masalah iyad lain ?
ok ni aku kopipes masalah yg lain baby TOF akan hadapi. 
aku harap sgt mak mak ayah ayah yg ada anak tof baca di sini . 
jumpa blog aku ni dan boleh membantu mereka. 

Iyad ada semua masalah di bawah :

1. Tof cough..sejak lahir mmg ada 

2. Chest Infection : bahaya sangat kalau banyak sgt scar kat paru paru menyebabkan kuman mudah membiak, bila kuman membiak ada scar lagi dan ;agi ..takut lama lama paru paru tak dpt digunakan. kena nfas pakai machine nak??

so apa nak buat , ajar anak buat kahak, fisioterapi ...tepuk tepuk belakang anak, bagi gas MDI yg diarahkan , elakkan ank kena jangkitan kuman , tapi bbay tof mmg senang kena sebab dia ada tersedak sedak naik ke paru paru itu punca kuman termasuk dalam paru paru dia . 

so kena refer pakar rspitory kanak kanak kat HKL namanya Dr Asiah Kassim. Head of Department. 

3. Makanan tersangkut.
mmg ada. tengah tengah makan iyad minta ..ibu tersangkut. nak minum air. bioleh jadi masalah ni disebabkan sticture atau dysmotility .

ok aku dh ngantuk nak tidur. 

nnt sambung ok. 
Every child is unique and will be affected in different ways by TOF/OA. However, there are some common problems. These are:

The “TOF cough”

Children with TOF/OA often have a loud, barking cough, known as the “TOF cough”. It’s caused by a floppiness (tracheomalacia) of part of the trachea (windpipe) and can get worse when a child has a cold or other respiratory problems. Whilst it can sound alarming, it doesn’t necessarily mean the child is ill.

Respiratory problems, asthma and chest infections

Babies with TOF/OA can experience short periods when they find it hard to breathe, due to a floppy trachea. This is most likely to happen when a child is breathing heavily, for example when coughing or crying. Children usually grow out of this by the age of two and then only a minority of babies suffer severely.
Babies may also experience respiratory problems such as asthma and chest infections.  These are treated with inhalers or antibiotic treatments.

Swallowing and getting food stuck

Children with TOF/OA often have abnormal swallowing mechanisms and will have to learn to cope with their particular feeding problems.  Some children will need to receive tube feeding to make sure they stay healthy. At first, many will need a special diet, but most will (with their support of their school) cope with school dinners or a packed lunch.


Children with TOF/OA often experience gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR). This is where the acidic stomach contents pass back into the lower oesophagus, causing pain and often reluctance to eat. Reflux can usually be treated using a combination of practical measures and prescribed medications. Occasionally it requires further surgery.

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