Rabu, 10 Jun 2015

thank you for reading my blog!

hi there!

my statistic show that some of my reader are from united state...if you're  one of them. .please write your comment. i like to know who you are and how can you fine my blog.

actually ,  this blog are created  just to memorize  all the moment that i have in my life. it's  about me and my family....

i love traveling , cooking and of course  writing . i love coffee and i have a dream to have my own bookstore  cafe ...ok .til we meet again and bye!

2 ulasan:

  1. im Adam from NYC.. im a student from MIT..in my research i chose Malaysia..


Selera Gen Alpha

 Apasal lah budak zaman sekarang suka sgt makan benda yang mahal mahal ni. Beli kt family mart ko dapat apa sangat. Baik ko beli nasi. Tp dh...