Ahad, 10 Februari 2019


Oklah ..sebelum pergi aku call dulu minta diorg tolong ON kan sauna tu .sebab dia amik masa dalam 45 minit nakpanaskan sauna tu . 

kang tak pasal pasal ko duk dalam tu sedangkan sauna tu belum panas lagi.

ok ..ko masuk dalam sauna tu pakai lah tuala . kalau bilik tu utk ko sorang dan boleh kunci boleh lah ko pakai spender segi tiga kecik tu .

ok ..pastu ko pun masuklah sauna ..jangan lupa bawak banyak air masak sebab penting nnt dehydrated bahaya. 

aku duduk dalam tu dalam 45 minit . sepatutnya jangan lama sangat bahaya . boleh pengsan . ada baldi dan gayung dalam tu..tujuan nya agar ko curah dan bilik tu akan berwap ..maka banyak lah peluh yang keluar . 

di sini aku share kebaikan sauna menurut Kevin Zahari 

Some of you have been asking me about the health benefits of stepping into the sauna, especially untuk kuruskan badan (weight loss). In short, following are 5 benefits (you can read the post for more details).
Did You Know? 15-20 minutes of sauna is equivalent to 1-2 hours of brisk walking.
  • 1. Releases Toxins (detox)
  • 2. Burns Calories (can reduce weight)
  • 3. Reduces Acne and Skin Problems
  • 4. Improve Immune System
  • 5. Reduce Stress and Relaxation

1 Releases Toxins (detox). 

As much as 1/3 toxins dibuang melalui kulit badan – through sweat! So dengan peningkatan metabolisma badan di sauna, more toxins are released.
For more info about detox, read my post on Juvanex detox diet

2. Burns Calories (can reduce weight). 

Dengan hanya duduk di sauna, metabolisma badan akan meningkat sehingga 50%. That prolonged states obviously makes our obdy burn more calories. That pulak can potentially help you to kurangkan berat badan.

3. Reduces Acne and Skin Problems. 

Those suffering from acne, cuts or skin irritations can benefit from regular sauna sessions. Ok now I am no skin or beauty expert but based on what I read, it definitely makes sense. What elevated heart rate and metabolism will increase the blood flow to the skin. More blood there means more bekalan nutrien and oxygen to the skin.

4. Improve Immune System. 

With rising body temperature, our immune system produces more sickness fighting cells. This reaction indirectly boosts our sistem pertahanan badan.

5. Reduce Stress and Relaxation.

In the stress management seminars I conduct, we do talk about chemicals that build up in the body due to stress! Toxins or not, a 15-20min stay in a sauna releases chemicals, hence reducing stress. Also heat therapy is relaxing…just like a hot bath (I like these) hahaha.
Sauna Caution for Pregnant Women and Heart Patients: Pregnant women, heart patient with low or high blood pressure condition or suffering from any disease which has negative effect of sauna bath should first consult a physician regarding their physical condition and the length of period they can take sauna bath.

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